165 m² gebaut 4 betten 2 bäder
Estepona Centre, Estepona, Málaga provinz
535.000 €
128 m² built, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms
Fantastische Investition im Herzen der Altstadt von Estepona!
Möglichkeit, bis zu 4 Wohnungen zu schaffen, oder auch 2 Duplex-Wohnungen mit privater Terrasse.
Nur 100 m vom Strand und der Promenade entfernt.
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The sale price does not include expenses and taxes. Additional costs for the buyer: registration and notary fees, ITP (Transfer Tax) or in its absence VAT, and AJD (Stamp Duty) on new properties and subject to some requirements to be met. These costs and taxes are different depending on the province / autonomous community where the property is located and even on certain specific aspects of the buyer. All details and information sheet are available upon request from Serneholt Estate. This information is subject to errors, omissions, modifications, prior sale or withdrawal from the market.
Serneholt Estate Real Estate agents in Estepona
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