1.633 m² parcela
El Padron, Estepona, Málaga provincia
2.500.000 € Updated Hace 2 months
495.000 m² plot
Gran parcela rustica de 495.000m2 en unos de los lugares mas bonitos de Estepona, en el llamado Castillo del Nicio, junto a las charcas de las Nutrias se encuentra esta gran parcela, rodeada de un entorno verde y pura naturaleza. Cuenta con un proyecto en el que ya se estan gestionando los permisos y licencias (Actualmente sin licencia de construcción)
The sale price does not include expenses and taxes. Additional costs for the buyer: registration and notary fees, ITP (Transfer Tax) or in its absence VAT, and AJD (Stamp Duty) on new properties and subject to some requirements to be met. These costs and taxes are different depending on the province / autonomous community where the property is located and even on certain specific aspects of the buyer. All details and information sheet are available upon request from Garu Estepona. This information is subject to errors, omissions, modifications, prior sale or withdrawal from the market.
Garu Estepona Real Estate agents in Estepona
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